
Over the past year Oxford Recovery Center has developed a patient care team that is dedicated to helping our potential patients find the best therapies to help you or your loved one recover.  Overseen by our Patient care Director, Elizabeth Terry, RN, they meet with you, your family, doctor and/or case manager in a one-hour complimentary discovery session to understand your medical history, what you have tired, what has worked and not worked. They will listen to you, review your initial survey and make recommendations based on research and experience to help you with your unique circumstances.

This team of professionals have a passion for helping people recover.  They care about each individual and follow each patient as they progress through their recovery plan. The Patient Care Team may make new commendations along the way to maximize the recovery process. The ORC team meets each day with enthusiasm, cheer you on and provides hope and encouragement.

If you know someone that you believe would benefit from our therapies, remind them that they can schedule a no fee Discovery Session with a member of our Patient Care team and see how Oxford Recovery Center can give them hope.



Interested in Oxford’s Unique Approach to Healing?

The first step to learn more or to schedule a no charge discovery session is to

Call Us at 248-486-3636


You can also fill out the form below: